Top 9 Most Underrated SEO Techniques in 2023


In the ever-evolving world of SEO, it’s crucial to stay ahead of the game and focus on the most effective strategies to boost your website’s visibility and rankings.Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced SEO professional, implementing these techniques will help optimize your website and drive organic traffic.

This article will explore these underrated SEO techniques and the ranking factors they leverage and provide valuable insights on effectively implementing them to optimize your website.

Most Underrated SEO Techniques- To Try in 2023

1. The Value of Blog Comments – An Underrated SEO Technique

Blog comments have gone through a transformation over the years from being a means of engaging with content creators to becoming a tool for link-building and spamming. As a result, search engines started ignoring blog comment links and implemented measures like rel=”nofollow” and rel=”ugc” to devalue their impact on SEO. However, blog comments still hold value if utilized correctly.

Blog Comments - An Underrated SEO Technique
Blog Comments – An Underrated SEO Technique

Blog comments have often been overlooked as an Underrated SEO Technique

User EngagementSigns of LifeFree ContentPost Updates
Blog comments allow users to engage with your content and feel like part of a community. By responding to comments, you can build a personal connection with your most engaged fans, fostering a sense of loyalty and trust. User engagement is beneficial for SEO and enhances the overall user experience.An active comments section on your blog indicates that your website is maintained and someone can address questions or provide clarifications. This reassures visitors and encourages them to interact with your content.Google recognizes the content within blog comments. Leveraging user-generated content can significantly increase your website’s word count, keyword density, and topic coverage, contributing to better indexation. This additional content is free to you, making it a valuable SEO asset.User comments can provide valuable feedback and updates on your blog posts. Users often highlight outdated information, changes in pricing or industry trends, allowing you to keep your content relevant and up-to-date. Regularly updating your posts based on user comments enhances their quality and boosts their visibility in search results.

2. Harnessing the Power of Internal Linking

While backlinks are often emphasized in advanced SEO strategies, the importance of internal linking is often overlooked. Internal links are crucial in guiding users and search engine crawlers through your website, improving navigation and discoverability.

A well-structured system of internal links helps users find relevant information and distributes authority and ranking power across your website. By strategically placing internal links, you can direct traffic to important pages, improve the user experience, and enhance the overall SEO performance of your website.

To track the effectiveness of internal linking, you can use tools like Google Analytics to monitor internal link clicks. Analyzing this data will provide insights into user behaviour and help you optimize your internal linking strategy for maximum impact.

3. Harnessing the Potential of Video SEO

Video content has exploded in popularity and presents a significant opportunity for SEO. By optimizing your videos for search engines, you can increase your website’s visibility and drive organic traffic. Here are some underrated SEO techniques for harnessing the potential of video SEO.

Video Optimization Techniques

When it comes to video optimization, there are several key factors to consider:

  • Video title and description: Craft compelling and keyword-rich titles and descriptions for your videos. Include relevant keywords that accurately describe the content of the video.
  • Video tags: Use relevant tags to categorize your videos and improve their discoverability. Tags should be descriptive and aligned with the content of your video.
  • Video file optimization: Optimize your videos’ file size and format to ensure fast loading times and optimal user experience.
  • Video sitemap: Create a video sitemap to help search engines understand the video content on your website. This can improve your chances of appearing in video search results.
Potential of Video SEO underrated SEO techniques

Transcribing and Captioning Videos

Transcribing and captioning your videos not only improve accessibility for users but also enhances your website’s SEO. Transcriptions provide search engines with valuable text content that can be indexed and used to understand the context and relevance of your videos. Captions also improve user experience by making your videos accessible to deaf and hard-of-hearing people.

Leveraging Video Schema Markup

Implementing schema markup for your videos can enhance their visibility in search results. Video schema markup provides additional information about your videos to search engines, such as the title, description, duration, thumbnail URL, and upload date. Adding video schema markup to your website can increase the chances of your videos appearing as rich results in search engine listings.

By optimizing your videos for search engines, you can tap into the power of video content and attract more organic traffic to your website.

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4. The Power of Conversion Rates and ROI

While traffic is important, it’s the conversions that genuinely matter. SEO should not solely focus on driving traffic to your website; it should aim to attract high-quality users who are likely to convert into customers or take desired actions. Understanding which keywords generate conversions is crucial for optimizing your SEO strategy.


By analyzing conversion rates and return on investment (ROI), you can identify the keywords that bring in the most valuable traffic. It’s not about the quantity of traffic but the quality. By prioritizing high-converting keywords, you can allocate your resources effectively and ensure that your SEO efforts are aligned with your business goals.

5. Unleashing the Power of Branded Metrics

Branded metrics, often overlooked by marketers, provide valuable insights into brand awareness and visibility. These metrics measure the impact of your brand-related search terms on conversions and overall SEO performance.

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Segmenting branded metrics from non-branded search terms allows you to understand the true impact of your branding efforts. By analyzing the performance of branded keywords, you can gauge the effectiveness of your brand awareness campaigns and tailor your SEO strategy accordingly.

Proper segmentation and analysis of branded metrics will provide a more accurate picture of your website’s overall performance, helping you make data-driven decisions to drive brand growth and improve SEO outcomes.

6. Harnessing Non-brand Search Clicks

Nonbrand search clicks are a valuable metric that indicates your website’s discoverability by potential customers unfamiliar with your brand. These clicks reflect the effectiveness of your SEO efforts in attracting new users and expanding your audience.

Non-brand Search Clicks - An Underrated SEO Technique
Non-brand Search Clicks – An Underrated SEO Technique

By isolating nonbrand search clicks, you can assess the impact of your SEO strategies independent of brand-related factors. This allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your content, keywords, and other SEO techniques in attracting new visitors and increasing your website’s visibility in search engine results pages.

Tracking nonbrand search clicks provides valuable insights into the reach and impact of your SEO efforts, helping you refine your strategies and drive sustainable organic growth.

7. The User to Session Ratio: Unveiling User Behavior

The user-to-session ratio is a valuable metric that provides insights into user behaviour and engagement on your website. This ratio analyzes the number of times a user visits your website, helping you understand user loyalty and interest.

By tracking the user to session ratio, you can determine the level of interest and engagement your website generates. An increasing ratio indicates that users are returning to your website, exploring more content, and finding value in your offerings.

Google Analytics provides user and session tracking, allowing you to monitor this metric and gain insights into user behaviour. By understanding user engagement and preferences, you can optimize your website to cater to their needs, enhancing the user experience and driving SEO success.

8. The Impact of Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Click-through rate (CTR) measures the percentage of users who click on your website’s link in search engine results. This metric reflects the effectiveness of your title tags and meta descriptions in capturing user attention and enticing them to click through to your website.

A high CTR indicates that your title tags and meta descriptions are compelling and aligned with user search intent. By optimizing your title tags and meta descriptions to be more persuasive and relevant, you can increase your CTR and drive more organic traffic.

Tracking CTR allows you to evaluate the success of your SEO strategies in attracting user clicks. By analyzing low-performing CTRs, you can identify areas for improvement and optimize your website’s visibility in search engine results.

9. The Power of Impressions Count Over Time

Monitoring impressions count over time provides valuable insights into your website’s visibility and exposure in search engine results. This metric allows you to track the number of times your website appears in search results, indicating your website’s overall reach.

By analyzing impressions count over time, you can assess the effectiveness of your SEO strategies in improving your website’s visibility. If you observe a steady increase in impressions, the count indicates that your website is gaining more exposure and attracting the attention of potential users.

Understanding impressions count over time helps you evaluate the impact of your keyword research, content optimization, and overall SEO efforts. You can drive more organic traffic to your website by aligning your strategies to increase impressions.


Implementing Underrated SEO Techniques can significantly boast enhance your website’s performance and drive organic traffic. By leveraging blog comments for user engagement and content enrichment, focusing on conversion rates and ROI, optimizing internal linking, analyzing branded and nonbrand metrics, improving engagement metrics, monitoring impressions count over time, tracking the user to session ratio, and optimizing click-through rates, you can unlock the full potential of your SEO strategy.

Remember, SEO success is a continuous analysis, optimization, and adaptation process. By integrating these underrated SEO techniques into your strategy, you can gain a competitive edge, improve your website’s visibility, and drive sustainable organic growth. Stay ahead of the curve and elevate your SEO game with these powerful yet often overlooked techniques.

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