Keyword Research vs Keyword Grouping vs Keyword Mapping: What’s the Difference?

Keyword Research vs Keyword Grouping vs Keyword Mapping What's the Difference

While Google keeps us on our toes with several evolving algorithm updates, for marketers, concepts like keyword research, mapping and grouping have stayed consistently the same for optimisation and ranking purposes. Read through the blog to unravel these terminologies and their techniques for effective content creation. 

In today’s evolving landscape of digital marketing and search engine optimisation (SEO), keywords are crucial in driving website traffic.

However, more than selecting random keywords and incorporating them into website content is required. A thorough understanding of the target audience, search behaviour, and competition is necessary for an effective keyword strategy. 

A successful SEO strategy must include keyword research, grouping, and mapping, with the help of our expert SEO professionals at Digital Foaster an SEO agency in chennai, we have compiled the entire concept of how they conduct effective keyword research and enhance user experience.  

Differences Between Keyword Research, Grouping, and Mapping

Keyword Research Keyword GroupingKeyword Mapping 
The process of identifying and analysing keywords that users enter into search enginesThe process of categorising similar keywords into groups based on their relevance and intentThe process of assigning specific keywords to different pages on a website to optimise for search engine rankings
To identify high-value keywords, research search volume, competition, and user intent.Keywords are grouped based on common themes, such as product categories or user needs.Keywords are assigned to specific pages on a website based on their relevance and intent.
Identifying target keywords to optimise helps with effective content creation and SEO strategy.It aids in the organisation of keywords into manageable groups to inform content and website structure.Improves overall search engine rankings by ensuring that each page on a website is optimised for a specific set of keywords.

In this context, keyword research refers to identifying relevant search terms that users use to find a product or service. Keyword grouping organises keywords into clusters based on relevance, intent, and user behaviour. Finally, keyword mapping entails matching keywords to specific pages on a website to ensure the content is relevant. Let us delve deeper into the differences between these three concepts.

1. Keyword Research

It is the process of searching and analysing the search terms used by the users to meet the purpose of search intent in search engines. By using the right keywords, businesses can improve their search engine optimisation (SEO) efforts, increase visibility in search results, and attract more qualified traffic to their website.

S No.Keyword Research
1.Importance of keyword research
2.Techniques for conducting keyword research
3.Understand the keyword intent
4.Use long-tail keywords
5.Use keyword research tools
6.Research-related search terms
7.Tools for keyword research

Importance of keyword research

Importance of keyword research

Keyword research also assists businesses in identifying potential content gaps and discovering new opportunities for content creation and marketing. Companies can create more relevant and engaging content for their target audience by understanding the language and terms they use to search for information. Overall, keyword research is a valuable for any company looking to improve its online presence, drive traffic to its website, connect with its target audience. and also to Optimize local Google My Business

Techniques for conducting keyword research

As keyword research is a pivotal part of the search engine optimisation process, it is vital to understand several techniques or strategies on how to conduct keyword research

Credits Ahrefs

Understand the keyword intent

It is essential to understand the importance of keyword research in developing and executing keyword strategies for effective SERP results. Knowing the keyword intent and brainstorming the ideas is helpful, as it will help to understand the potential customers most efficiently. 

When conducting SEO keyword research, it’s critical to assess whether your content corresponds to the intent of your target audience. Consider their motivations, such as whether they are looking for information, looking for a specific website or company, comparing products, or being ready to buy. Ensuring your content is relevant to the consumer’s intent will encourage them to stay on your page longer, boosting your search engine ranking.

 Use long-tail keywords

instead of broad keywords, target long-tail keywords that are more specific and have less competition. These are typically longer phrases used when searching for something specific, such as “best coffee shops in Seattle” or “organic dog food for puppies.”

 Use keyword research tools

To find new ideas, use keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner, Moz Keyword Explorer, or Ubersuggest. For each keyword you enter, these tools will display the search volume, competition, and related keywords.

It is vital to research the search terms to understand the search intent most effectively. It can help you discover other relevant keywords and phrases that your target audience may use when searching for your business information. It can help you expand your keyword list and improve your chances of being found by your target audience in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Start by considering the main objectives of your business and the types of products or services you offer. Think about the problems you solve or the needs you fulfil for your target audience.

Tools for keyword research

  • Google Keyword Planner: A free Google tool that assists you in finding keywords related to your business, products, or services. It provides keyword search volume, competition, and cost-per-click (CPC) information.
  • SEMrush: A paid tool that allows you to research and analyse your competitors’ keywords. It offers information on search volume, competition, and trends.
  • Ahrefs: A paid keyword research tool that includes features such as search volume, keyword difficulty, and SERP analysis. It also has a feature for finding related keywords.
  • Moz Keyword Explorer: A paid tool that provides information on search volume, difficulty, and traffic potential for specific keywords. It also provides suggestions for related keywords and ranks for particular keywords. 
  • Google Trends: A free tool that allows you to see the popularity of specific keywords over time. It can help you identify trends and seasonal fluctuations in search volume.

2. Keyword Grouping 

The process of categorising and organising keywords based on their relevance and similarity is known as keyword grouping. It is vital in search engine optimisation (SEO) because it aids in the optimisation of website content and structure, making it easier for search engines to understand and rank the website.

S.NoKeyword Grouping 
1.Importance of keyword grouping
2.Techniques of keyword grouping
3.Tools for keyword grouping

Importance of keyword grouping

Importance of keyword grouping
  • Improve website relevance: Grouping keywords aids in the identification of the most relevant topics for your website and target audience, thereby increasing your website’s relevance in search results.
  • Optimise website structure: By grouping keywords into themes or topics, you can structure your website content so that search engines can crawl and index it quickly.
  • Improve user experience: By organising content in a way that is easy to navigate and understand, keyword grouping allows you to create a better user experience.

Techniques of keyword grouping

  • Perform keyword research: It is one of the pivotal steps to collect a database of keywords related to the specific niche, along with long-tail keywords. 
  • Make high-level keyword groups: Performed for similar products and services. The next step is to divide sub-groups and make a shorter cluster of keywords.
  • Build content around keyword groups: Creating content around your keyword groups is critical to search engine optimisation (SEO). Once you have identified your keyword groups, it’s time to start creating content that targets those keywords. It can be achieved by utilising several or all keywords in your keyword group while writing your post or page.      
  • Use keyword grouping tools: It will help you to find related and similar keywords and then group them accordingly. Keyword grouping is critical to keyword research and optimisation (SEO). Keyword grouping tools can help you organise and categorise your keywords based on their relevance to one another, which can benefit your SEO strategy in various ways. In a nutshell, it will help in the following ways: 
  • Increase search engine visibility
  • Streamline keyword research
  • Optimise website architecture 

Tools for keyword grouping

  • Key clusters: Key Clusters use real-time Google SERP data to create topical clusters in minutes. It is one of the more accurate and simple tools.
  • Keyword Cupid: It is one of the most popular keyword grouping tools used by Digital marketing freelances. The software helps you build content silos using significant data inputs (i.e. keywords).
  • SE Ranking: The “Keyword Grouper,” a feature that allows the clustering of keywords, is part of SE Ranking’s feature-rich array of keyword research tools. This function is beneficial for arranging keywords and creating a successful SEO plan. As a result, it makes for a great starting place for using the software’s features.

3. Keyword Mapping

In search engine optimisation (SEO), keyword mapping helps to find and assign pertinent keywords to specific web pages. Keyword mapping was developed to ensure that each website page is optimised for the proper group of relevant keywords to that page’s content.

S.NoKeyword Mapping
1.Importance of keyword mapping in SEO
2.Techniques for keyword mapping
3.Tools for keyword mapping

Importance of keyword mapping in SEO

Importance of keyword mapping in SEO
  • Helps to identify content gaps: Keyword mapping aids website owners in locating content holes on their pages. Website owners can discover sites missing pertinent content and provide fresh content to fill such gaps by mapping particular keywords to specific pages. Material pertinent to user queries makes the website more visible and relevant to search engines.
  • Facilitates on-page optimisation: Keyword mapping also enables optimisation by guaranteeing that each page is optimised for a specific keyword. Website owners may make it simpler for search engines to grasp the content and importance of a page by assigning exact keywords to pages and then optimising the page title, meta description, headers, and content for those keywords.

Techniques for keyword mapping

  • Build a list of targeted keywords: Performing keyword research is the first step towards keyword mapping. It also includes new keywords you want to target. With the help of Google Search Console, you can list keywords that bring traffic to the website; with Google Analytics, you can get some exciting keyword ideas for your website rankings and SERP results. 
  • Group keywords: It is vital to assign and sort the keywords according to the keywords in the relevant groups. You can group the keywords according to the semantic similarity and search intent: navigational, informational, and transactional. 
  • Map keywords to pages: This is the actual and most pivotal step performed in keyword mapping. By mapping keywords to pages correctly, website owners can create a clear and structured hierarchy of content that helps search engines better understand the website’s overall purpose and scope. This, in turn, can lead to higher search rankings and increased traffic to the website.

Tools for keyword mapping

  • SEMrush: SEMrush is a popular SEO tool with features like keyword research and mapping. It gives information about search volume, competition, and related keywords.
  • Ahrefs: Ahrefs is another effective SEO tool for keyword mapping. It includes tools for keyword research, competitor analysis, and content analysis.
  • Moz Keyword Explorer: Moz Keyword Explorer is a keyword identification and prioritisation tool for SEO and content marketing. 
  • SpyFu: SpyFu is a tool that provides data on competitors’ keywords and ad campaigns, which can be helpful for keyword mapping and SEO.

How Digital Foaster can help with keyword research, grouping, and mapping? 

Our team of experts at Digital Foaster, one of the best digital marketing agencies in Chennai, specialises in conducting extensive keyword research to identify the most relevant and effective keywords for our client’s businesses. In addition, we use advanced keyword grouping and mapping techniques to ensure that our client’s website pages and content are optimised for search engines and user experience. We can help businesses achieve their digital marketing goals and stay ahead of the competition by leveraging our expertise and tried-and-true strategies.

Wrapping Up 

Keyword research, keyword grouping, and keyword mapping are all crucial components of search engine optimisation (SEO) and digital marketing. Each involves a different aspect of keyword analysis and optimisation. Using all three techniques together, digital marketers and SEO professionals can develop a comprehensive and effective strategy for optimising their website’s content and improving search engine rankings.


1. What keyword research means?

The process of identifying and analysing the words and phrases people use to search for information on a specific topic is known as keyword research. This research is critical for any online business because it allows them to understand the language used by their target audience and create content corresponding to their search intent.

2. How to perform keyword grouping? 

Begin by compiling a list of relevant keywords based on your industry and target audience.Based on their semantic similarity, organise the keywords into themes or topics. Use a keyword research tool to find additional related keywords to add to each group.Sort the groups by relevance, search volume, and competition, then assign the most important keywords to the appropriate group.

3. How do I choose SEM keywords? 

Creating effective PPC (Pay-per-click) campaigns requires selecting the right SEM keywords. Firstly, determine your campaign’s objectives and identify keywords relevant to your business and target audience using keyword research tools. Examine each keyword’s search volume and competition to ensure it is worthwhile to target. Consider each keyword’s intent and ensure it aligns with the campaign’s goals. Lastly, test your keywords and monitor your campaign performance regularly.

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