Impact of Digital Marketing on Business and Its Growth


Digital Marketing has been a buzzword for quite a while now. The reason is simple. The face of marketing has changed ever since Digital Marketing came into play. It has also changed how businesses communicate with their customers and prospects.

You might have heard about Digital Marketing and people talking about it, but you might be thinking ‘Why this hype for Digital Marketing?’. Perhaps, you desire to adopt Digital Marketing, but you have doubts about its effectiveness. 

Worry not. Keep reading. 

This article will explain how Digital Marketing impacts businesses and their growth. This can answer all your questions and help you decide to choose Digital Marketing or not. 

Before we jump into the article, let’s take a look at what Digital Marketing is and what its different techniques are so that you will get a bird’s-eye view of Digital Marketing.

Let’s dive in.

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What Is Digital Marketing?

In layman’s terms, Digital Marketing is any marketing effort that leverages the internet. The sponsored ads you come across when browsing social media and watching YouTube videos are examples of Digital Marketing. With the core aim to promote a brand and its offerings, Digital Marketing uses channels like social media, search engines and emails.

Thanks to the extensive use of electronic devices and the rise in internet users, Digital Marketing can be beneficial when you have a brilliant strategy on the table. Believe me, opportunities will come knocking at your door. Ultimately, it helps to connect your business with your customers, attract prospects and boost sales & revenue. In short, a lucrative form of marketing.   

Different Techniques in Digital Marketing

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

As the name suggests, Social Media Marketing (SMM) uses social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and more to promote products and services. It’s an effective digital marketing technique that’s been working well for many businesses since day one.

So how does SMM work?

Social Media Marketing involves sharing valuable & quality content with the audience, keeping them engaged and replying to messages & comments, which improves brand reputation & awareness and drives more leads at the end of the day.

Billions of internet users use social media, and they spend hours on social media on a daily basis. According to Datareportal’s Global Statshot Report, there are 4.7 billion social media users, not to mentionthey spend an average of 2 hours and 29 minutes daily. This is one of the key reasons why Social Media Marketing is flourishing in this digital era.

While Social Media Marketing helps bring new customers and boost revenue for your business, the result depends on the strategy you devise. It must be created based on your industry, location, audience and the platform you choose. And, that’s a tough row to hoe, which is why the best bet is to entrust Social Media Marketing to experts. 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

As per Datareportal, search engines are the top channel used to research brands, with 49% of internet users leveraging it
Here is another fact: 31.3% of internet users discover new brands through search engines. That’s the second best source for brand discovery.

Both these stats indicate the importance of being visible online when a potential customer carries out a search. 

And, when we say being visible, it means that you must appear on the first page of google result pages or else you can’t drive traffic.

Why? Here is the deal. 

According to HubSpot’s research, 75% of online searchers won’t go beyond the first google search result page to find the information they want.

So, how can you appear at the top of google search results? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the solution. 

SEO is the process of optimizing your website as per search engine algorithm to enhance your search ranks so that when a potential customer searches online, your business appears on top. This means your website could receive more traffic, which leads to getting quality leads. Ultimately, it furnishes your business with enhanced revenue and better growth. 

In this ever-evolving digital era, which has billions of websites online and witnesses fierce competition, having an SEO strategy is vital for your business to have a better edge over the competitors. 

So, if you don’t have one for your business, it’s high time you start doing SEO. 

Haven’t you seen sponsored ads whenever you casually navigate through Instagram or Facebook feeds? 

Perhaps, you might have also seen search results with the tag ‘Ad’ at the top of the search results page when you searched something on Google or Bing. 

Well, these are paid ads. 

As the name implies, Paid Marketing refers to running paid targeted ads to obtain more leads, engagement, reach, clicks or traffic. You can carry out Paid Marketing on search engines as well as social media platforms.

Wondering how it is different from SMM and SEO?

SMM and SEO are organic techniques, whereas Paid Marketing requires you to spend money to run ads. The more money you spend, the better result.

Furthermore, you could laser-target the audience based on

  • Location
  • Interests
  • Previously visited websites
  • Age
  • Education
  • Income
  • And the list goes on…

    The most vital trait of paid marketing is that it drives results faster than organic techniques. 

    However, results aren’t guaranteed. You ought to hyper-target the audience, or else your ad would display to irrelevant people who don’t have any interest in connecting with your business. In short, you’ll waste your money.

    As said before, if your strategy is top-notch, you get the results you expect. Maybe that’s why 45% of small businesses do paid advertising

    Content Marketing

    Content Marketing refers to creating and sharing useful content to the audience in the form of blogs, newsletters, videos, social media posts and whatnot. Consistently distributing quality content helps in fostering relationships with the audience, which, in turn, potentially pave the way to making them your customers. 

    As per Ahrefs, 6 out of 10 marketers state that content marketing generates leads for their businesses.

    This is why Bill Gates said “Content Is King” back in the 1990s. And, even today this quote is relevant because CONTENT IS REALLY KING!

    Content has always been integral for businesses. Today, where reels, videos and blogs are running the show, content has become even more significant for businesses to not only survive in the competition but also thrive. 

    However, quality is important to make your content marketing strategy pan out well.

    According to Semrush’s State of Content Marketing 2022 Global Report, 55% of content marketers point out that improving the quality of the content has helped them the most to make their content strategy successful.

    Therefore, while it’s a must to do content marketing for your business’s growth, you must also ensure the content you deliver is as good as possible.

    Email Marketing

    Don’t you receive interesting emails daily from brands you have previously interacted with? 

    Simply put, this is Email Marketing. 

    In layman’s terms, Email Marketing is the process of sending promotional emails to a list of customers and prospects to keep them informed about your new offers, products, services or anything similar. Emails can also be informative, like tips, benefits of a specific thing, etc. When done right, it can bolster your relationship with your audience. 

    With the emergence of Social Media Marketing and Search Engine Optimization, people have been blindly saying that Email Marketing doesn’t work anymore. Well, it’s a myth. 

    Email Marketing can be extremely effective if you have a well-thought-out strategy. Why? For starters, as per Statista, 4 billion people use email every day. Also, this is expected to increase to 4.6 billion by 2025. So, there are more than enough people to read your email. That’s not all, Email Marketing is said to generate $36 for every $1 spent. As the icing, the Email Marketing revenue is expected to rise to 11 billion within 2024.

    So, if you don’t have an Email Marketing strategy, you are missing out big time. 

    Now, let’s get to the main part!

    What Is the Impact of Digital Marketing on Your Business?

    Helps You Fetch Sales-Qualified Leads

    The term ‘Leads’ is jargon in marketing, which means prospects or potential customers. 

    Generating leads is one of the core Digital Marketing goals. A survey by Ruler Analytics indicates that 91% of marketers consider lead generation the most vital goal. More interestingly, Digital Marketing does help in accomplishing that goal. 

    It doesn’t matter what Digital Marketing technique you use, you could drive quality leads for your business if you have a clear-cut strategy. 

    As said before, SEO helps to make your website appear on top when someone searches online for a service or product you provide. This means, the searchers are likely to visit your website, which can potentially make them your customers at the end of the day.

    The State of Marketing Trends Report 2022 by HubSpot is the biggest evidence of this. As per it, 6 out of 10 marketers state that SEO is the top lead generation technique.

    The lead generation story is the same in other digital marketing techniques also.

    For instance, according to Demand Metric, Content Marketing generates 3x more leads than traditional marketing

    Likewise, Social Media Marketing and Email Marketing lend a big hand in generating sales-ready leads if you do it the right way. 

    Skyrockets Your Sales & Revenue

    The internet has become the second home of people worldwide. Suffice it to say, the availability of smartphones coupled with fast data connections has made it easy to access the internet any time we want. Today, the internet has 5 billion users as per Data reportalOut of that, the majority of the users access the internet via mobile phones. 

    What does this mean? This points out that the internet has the potential to sell your products and services. That’s why you can bring more leads to your business with Digital Marketing. And, more leads means a better chance for sales.

    If you have a compelling Digital Marketing strategy that adheres to the marketing trends, sales and revenue are the ultimate benefits you get from Digital Marketing, provided you have a good team to convert the sales.  

    Elevates Your Brand Awareness

    Developing a brand takes a lot of effort. You can’t build brand name, tagline, logo and other elements overnight. It requires days of hard work, which includes market research, planning, discussions, competitor research and more. 

    As a business owner, you would understand that. And, when you put that much effort, you need your brand to become popular and thrive, or everything would be in vain. With Digital Marketing, you can address this concern.  

    Datareportal claims that internet users spend a little more than 6 hours daily. This makes the internet a great place to not just showcase but build your brand. And, Digital Marketing can help you with that. 

    By sharing your brand story, values and content and interacting with your audience, you could build your brand’s goodwill. And, when we tell content, it means valuable, relevant and quality content that could address the pain points of the audience and answer their questions. And once you increase brand awareness, the chance of getting new customers increases simultaneously.

    It’s not easy as it sounds. You have to spend a lot of time coming up with strategies that could increase your brand awareness. So, the best bet is to entrust your marketing tasks with a top Digital Marketing company.

    Establishes a Strong Connection With Customers & Prospects

    We have seen how Digital Marketing improves brand awareness. 

    The path to building strong relationships with customers and prospects is also similar. When you speak to your audience by replying to their messages and comments or in the form of blogs, posters, videos and reels, it engages and makes them feel valued. And, when you do it regularly, they tend to trust your brand. This is something traditional marketing can never match. 

    This is an important benefit of Digital Marketing because, without strong relationships with customers, your business can go shallow, and it could obstruct your growth. Moreover, when you bolster your relationship with customers, it can push them to leave positive feedback, and that drives the interest of more people. 

    Improves the Chance of Going Viral

    Here comes another vital impact of doing Digital Marketing. 

    When you share traffic-magnet blogs on your website and post terrific videos, reels, podcasts or even posters as part of your Digital Marketing strategy, it attracts people. If the content is excellent, the audience would also like, comment, and share. 

    And when they do so, people with zero knowledge about your business will come to know about your content, which in turn, makes them aware of your business. In no time, you’ll probably rack up thousands of likes, shares, followers and subscribers. 

    For instance, at Digital Foaster we did a campaign for Indian Independence Day, and it was an instant hit. We gained more than 14k likes, 100+ comments and tons of shares on Instagram. This is what happens when you share compelling content.

    Makes it Easy to Track the Performance

    When you adopt Digital Marketing, you can rest assured you know whether your campaigns or blogs are performing as expected, thanks to Google Analytics, Ads Manager in Social Media and Email automation tools like Mailchimp. And, you need not wait until the campaign winds up to view the results. You could track it in real time. 

    If you post a blog on your website, you could easily get details of the number of clicks, traffic, impressions, engagements etc. Similarly, you could track the performance of your Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing or paid campaigns. So, if your strategy has failed, you would know it and understand which metric was the letdown. This can pave the way to bolstering your strategy and bring success. 

    Betters ROI & Lowers Cost

    Traditional Marketing requires you to spend hefty money since advertising spaces are limited. This is where Digital Marketing outmatches Traditional Marketing. 

    In Digital Marketing, you can run ads literally with a few hundred bucks but the more you spend the better result. And, advertising spaces are vast. You can display your ads on websites, social media and even during or before videos on YouTube. And, you could expect better reach since the number of internet users has soared to billions. So, if you currently do Traditional Marketing and shift to Digital Marketing, you could bring the cost down a great deal. 

    Want to know the best part? Digital Marketing provides excellent ROI, provided you do it right. 

    For example, we did a campaign for Bluetyga – A brand that sells athleisure clothing. And, they got 4X RETURN ON THEIR INVESTMENT. Amazing, isn’t it?!

    Helps You Thrive in Your Competition

    Needless to say, the competition in today’s world is fierce. However, with Digital Marketing, you could hurdle the competition challenges. 

    As said before, Digital Marketing can fetch you leads, increase your sales & revenue, provide better ROI, and elevate your brand awareness. Ultimately, this helps you become a great player in your industry and outperform your competitors. 

    Yet, it can be challenging. Since most companies do Digital Marketing today, everything lies on how well you do it. Therefore, ensure your marketing strategy is up to the mark. Get advice from an expert Digital Marketing agency or get the marketing service itself from them. 

    The Bottom Line

    In a nutshell, Digital Marketing can transform your business, literally. It can help you expand your customer base, level up your sales, enhance your revenue and make more people aware of your business. Ultimately, it gets you to the forefront of your competition. In this digital era that’s witnessing intense competition, Digital Marketing is a must for your business to stay afloat. 

    If you’d like to adopt Digital Marketing for your business, approach us. Over the years, Digital Foaster. has helped numerous businesses to embrace Digital Marketing and drive growth. Check out our case studies to learn more. Feel free to contact us to consult one of our experts. Let’s take your business to greater heights. 

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